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Upcoming ODC Events
Celebrasia May 18, 11-3pm

The ODC, Odissi Dance Company, one of the first touring Indian Classical Dance companies of North America, led by Dr. Aparupa Chatterjee, is an amalgamation of pure and interdisciplinary dancers across the globe under her tutelage.
Under the massive umbrella of the leading school of Odissi, ‘Srjan Nrityabasa’ founded by Padmavibhushan Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra and now directed by his son, her Guru and a leading choreographer in the genre, Guru Ratikant Mohapatra, Dr. Chatterjee explores traditional and modern indo-western literary classics within the context of traditional Odissi dance with the purpose of introducing American and global audiences to ancient Indian traditions of dance, its enrichment, cultural experience and preservation using Sanskrit, meditation and yoga.